June 11, 2021

The UW Center of Excellence in Neuroscience of Addiction, Pain and Emotion (NAPE http://depts.washington.edu/uwnape/) is recruiting students interested in NIH funded research in neuroscience of drugs that affect the brain (e.g. cocaine, heroin, cannabinoids) and studies neural circuits that control motivated behaviors in mice and rats. Undergraduates interested in research opportunities (499-independent study) should visit the web site, learn about current opportunities, and contact individual faculty members of interest.

Undergraduate Research Minority (URM) and 1st generation undergraduate students interested in learning more about neuroscience research careers are encouraged to apply. URM students are also invited to contact our DEI committee representatives: Ms. Carlie Neiswanger <carneis@uw.edu> (a graduate student) or Dr. Barbara Juarez <juarezb@u.washington.edu> (a postdoctoral fellow) for more Information.
For more information and details on NAPE Undergraduate Research opportunities, visit the NAPE website.
Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) at OHSU
The Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) at OHSU is open for applications. The goal of the program is to recruit and train, Persons Excluded because of their Ethnicity or Race (PEER), postbacs to prepare them for pursuing a graduate degree in biomedical research. Five or six selected scholars will receive a one-year paid research position in one of the participating laboratories, as well as additional professional development and networking opportunities.

The application system opened June 1st. Reviews begin on July 2nd and continue until all positions are filled. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Johnathon Pruneda at pruneda@ohsu.edu.