October 7, 2020
We are proud to represent the Dawgs in the annual Hyperloop Competition hosted by SpaceX and in other Hyperloop competitions around the world. We are a diverse group of undergrad students that have spanned over 15 different majors in recent years. With eight unique subteams, our team works on projects ranging from our linear induction propulsion system to our custom hydraulic braking system. Our members and alumni have taken internships and full-time positions at SpaceX, Telsa, NASA JPL, Boeing, Google, Facebook, Blue Origin, Merrill Lynch, and more.What is Hyperloop?
The Hyperloop is a form of rapid land-based transportation popularized by Elon Musk in 2013. The goal is for a pod to travel in an underground vacuum tube at speeds up to 700 mph, thus eliminating much of the market for air travel. This mode of transport would allow passengers to travel between cities such as San Francisco and Los Angeles in just 30 minutes.Apply at hyperloop.io and check out our epiloge page to learn about last year’s cold-gas thrust pod. Applications are due October 16th and students of all majors and levels of prior experience are encouraged to apply!