September 29, 2023
Uwamazonsciencehub: UW + Amazon Science Hub Career Panel Lunch & Learn – 10/9, 12:30 – please RSVP
We are excited to be hosting an on-campus lunch & learn session for graduate students to hear from a panel of Amazon Scientists as they discuss their career journeys and career pathways at Amazon. More information regarding the event, including speaker bios can be found here. Please share the word of the event! We look forward…
September 28, 2023
CC@E: CAREER FAIR INTENSIVE – 10/14, 9:30 a.m.
Register here: In-person – Sat, Oct 14 · 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM PDT Career Center @ Engineering [Loew 301], Room A Join the CC@E staff as they get you prepared for the upcoming career fairs. You will have the opportunity to have your resume reviewed, practice your elevator pitch, and hear about strategies…
CC@E: It’s Fall Recruiting Season, So Visit!
Welcome to Autumn Quarter 2023 to all College of Engineering & Allen School students. We hope that you are excited to be back on-campus to start another academic year. Whether you’re looking for Summer 2024 internships or full-time positions, freshman or graduating senior, the Fall recruiting season is the busiest time of year when it…
September 27, 2023
UW Admissions: Hiring tour guides! – apply by 10/20
Do you know students who are comfortable public speakers, involved on campus, and want to share their Husky Experience? Please encourage them to apply to be a UW Tour Guide! The job pays $18.69 an hour with flexible scheduling. Please share the attached poster with your network of current students. UW Tour Guide Job Posting…
UW Statistical Consulting Service returns for the AUTUMN quarter
The UW Statistical Consulting Service returns for the AUTUMN quarter. Appointments are held online via Zoom. We would appreciate you sharing this email about the service with your department colleagues that might be interested in this service. Faculty and graduate students in the Consulting Program of the Departments of Statistics and Biostatistics offer free statistical advice to the UW…
September 26, 2023
US Naval Academy ECE Tenure-Track Opening – apply by 10/23
The Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department at the United States Naval Academy (USNA) invites applications for a tenure-track faculty appointment starting as early as Fall 2024 at the rank of Assistant Professor in all fields of computer engineering and electrical engineering as well as related interdisciplinary topics. We are committed to building a diverse…
ECE: 1st Day of Quarter Announcements AUT 23
Welcome Back ECE Graduate Students! If you would like, you can download a PDF here: 1st Day of Quarter Announcements AUT 23.docx First Day of Autumn Quarter Announcements As Autumn 2023 Quarter begins, we would like to provide important dates, deadlines, and Autumn Quarter registration reminders; *Please read all the way to the bottom so…
September 25, 2023
Husky HelpLine – AUT 23
Huskies, we all have moments when things get hard, frustrating, or overwhelming and we need to talk to someone. Perhaps you just broke up with someone, got a bad grade on an exam, going through some relationship or family trouble and needing someone to talk to. You are never alone and always have someone to…
Accelerating Quantum-Enabled Technologies (AQET) – AUT 23
Hello ECE Graduate Students, I am writing on behalf of Professor Kai-Mei Fu, Director of the NSF Research Traineeship Program, Accelerating Quantum-Enabled Technologies (AQET). The AQET program seeks to give UW Graduate students across multiple disciplines (Chemistry, Physics, Applied Math, ECE, CSE, MSE and ME) additional training and accreditation in Quantum Information Science and Engineering (QISE)….
UW Solar Decathlon Invitation – AUT 23
Attention ECE students! The Solar Decathlon is a new competition-based club coming this autumn quarter. The Solar Decathlon is a competition under the Department of Energy where student teams pair with industry, faculty, mentors, and more to design and build a net-zero energy home. A net-zero energy home is a residential building that generates more…
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