September 30, 2020
Goldwater Scholarship for sophomores & juniors planning for careers in STEM research
The UW application for students interested in seeking nomination for the Goldwater Scholarship is now available! Brief details are included here, and further information and application instructions are at Please share with undergraduate sophomores and juniors (based on graduation date, and including transfer students) in STEM fields engaged in research and planning for research careers!…
September 29, 2020
MSE 555: Molecular Biometrics
Space is available! For senior undergraduates and graduate students.
September 25, 2020
Engineering Ambassador Opportunity
Engineering students, do you want to inspire the next generation of future engineering & scientist students while developing your leadership and communication skills? Apply now to become an Engineering Ambassador! The College of Engineering’s Engineering Ambassador (EA) program is a great opportunity for current engineering undergraduates to gain valuable leadership experience while engaging with the community and prospective…
GRDSCH 200: Preparing for Graduate Education
Are you unsure if you want to attend graduate school? Do you know for certain that you want to attend graduate school, but are not sure how to write a quality personal statement? Not sure what program or school you want to attend? We can help! This 2 Credit, nine-week course is for juniors and seniors who…
September 23, 2020
Autumn 2020 WDRP Undergraduate Applications Open!
Dear student interested in mathematics, The Washington Directed Reading Program (WDRP) is a new initiative from the Mathematics Department, which launched in Fall 2018. WDRP is modeled after successful Directed Reading Programs (DRPs) at other universities around the country. This program pairs interested undergraduate students with mathematics graduate student mentors to embark on a quarter-long…
2020 Microsoft Devices Fall Recruiting Virtual Event
Join the UW Devices Virtual Event on Microsoft Teams Live (9/28)! Join the UW Devices Virtual Event on Microsoft Teams Live (9/28)!
September 21, 2020
Removing barriers to scholarships and fellowship: fall session series for students
Removing barriers to scholarships & fellowships A series of panels and sessions for students to improve access to funding Fellowships and scholarships are part of our education system that often reflects and supports inequity. Many scholarship programs are attempting to address inequities, yet layers of institutional racism, classism and implicit bias persist and prevent full…
September 16, 2020
Looking for someone who can help debug a raspberri pi + IoT network data project
Project description: This is a research project that inquires potential avenues for engaging with the Internet of Things data in the home. While people often choose to add IoT devices to their homes for the convenience or functionality they provide, they rarely think about the data that are captured through their everyday use. In response,…
Seeking students for an online email management study
Hello, We are seeking students for an online email management study. About the study: The purpose of this research is to understand people’s email habits and effect of different types of distractions. In this experiment, you will make a series of decisions regarding emails received on behalf of a fictional individual. You will not be…
RSVP for Engineering Launch!
Are you looking to explore engineering related extracurriculars and build more connections with other students? If yes, then this is the event for you! We’re thrilled to announce that our annual Engineering Launch event is going to be held in a virtual format this year on Tuesday, September 29th from 4:30-6:00pm PT. This Dawg Daze tradition is always one…
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