August 26, 2020
Call for Student Contributors: How Huskies Heal
Inspire Empathy, Collaboration, and Humility. Become a How Huskies Heal Student Contributor! Winner of the 2020-2021 Husky Seed Fund Award, How Huskies Heal will be a published anthology of interviews with members of the UW community that discuss the subjectivity of healing. Our goal is to highlight the importance of learning from one another through individual conversations and illustrate to…
August 20, 2020
Research Opportunities in SEAL
Dear ECE students: This is an updated quarterly announcement of open undergraduate and graduate research positions at the Sensors, Energy, and Automation Laboratory (SEAL) in the UW Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Seattle. We have positions available for Fall quarter. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, our response at SEAL has been to create several…
Fellowship Opportunity – Schmidt Science Fellows – Sept. 7
The Schmidt Science Fellows program, in partnership with the Rhodes Trust, aims to equip the next generation of leaders and innovators with the tools and opportunities to drive world-changing advances across the sciences and society by giving them a year of scientific broadening between their PhD and the start of their research career. The Schmidt…
UW Graduate Student Research Institute – registration deadline 8/20
Join the UW Libraries this summer for the fourth annual Graduate Student Research Institute (GSRI)! Registration: Open until August 20, 2020 @ 5pm The Graduate Student Research Institute (GSRI) is a free and asynchronous multi-day online workshop for new and returning UW graduate students the tools and strategies they need to research smarter, not…
August 12, 2020
Registration Deadline TODAY – Wednesday, August 12th for National Society of Black Engineers 46th Annual Convention and Career Fair (NSBE)
Today, Wednesday, August 12th, is the deadline to register as an undergrad (collegiate) or graduate student for the upcoming Virtual 46th National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) Convention & Career Fair on August 19-23. Membership is not required to attend the event. Members do receive a discounted rate. Before you Register for the Convention – undergrads and…
August 6, 2020
Academic Support Programs is Hiring Success Coaches
Academic Support Programs is now hiring Academic Success Coaches for the 2020-2021 Academic Year! Academic Success Coaching is an interactive process that empowers students to get from where they are now to where they want to be. The Success Coach is a peer that students can make one-on-one appointments with to help build skills for success. All…
August 5, 2020
Virtual Mindfulness and Well-being Sessions for Graduate Students – 8/7 deadline to RSVP
Well-being workshop series, adapted from the UW Be REAL curriculum, integrating an equity-based perspective, for grads About this Event Thursdays, August 13, 2020 – September 3, 2020 (3 pm – 4 pm). RSVP by 8/7 to sign up for the series. Sessions are cumulative. We invite graduate students, particularly First-Gen, GO-MAP grads, and/or grad students…