October 16, 2020

Marsha L. Landolt Distinguished Graduate Mentor Award 2021

call for nominations

I am pleased to announce the call for nominations for the 2021 Marsha L. Landolt Distinguished Graduate Mentor Award. Named for the late Graduate School Dean Marsha L. Landolt, the award has recognized excellent faculty mentors annually since 1999.

We strongly encourage departments to share this information with their graduate students.

We are especially interested in generating a diverse group of nominations, including nominations of faculty members who are women, or from underrepresented minority groups, or with disabilities.

The Graduate School, with assistance from the President’s Office, sponsors this annual award in order to recognize outstanding mentoring of graduate students by faculty. The relationship between a graduate student and a faculty advisor is one that can have a profound, lifelong influence on both parties. At its best, this mentoring relationship inspires and gives confidence to the student while providing the faculty member with a valued colleague. The Marsha L. Landolt Distinguished Graduate Mentor Award allows us to honor those members of the faculty who exemplify excellence in graduate education. A single award, accompanied by $5,000 in discretionary funds that may be used to support the awardee’s scholarly activities, will be given and presented at the annual Awards of Excellence Ceremony in June 2021 in conjunction with other University-wide awards.

Complete information on this year’s nomination procedures and guidelines is available below. Questions about the Landolt Distinguished Graduate Mentor Award or nomination procedures may be directed to graddean@uw.edu.

Complete nomination packets must be received by 5 p.m. PST, January 6, 2021; no exceptions to this deadline will be granted.



Dean of The Graduate School  

pronouns: she/her