October 16, 2020
It is our pleasure to announce the launch of the Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship (QIF), now in its thirteenth year. We will be awarding fellowships of $100,000 to teams of two students. For the 2021 North America edition, we invite proposals from 24 schools: USA – Berkeley, Caltech, CMU, Columbia, Cornell, Georgia Tech, Maryland, Michigan, MIT, Princeton, Purdue, Rutgers, Stanford, UCLA, UCSB, UCSD, UIUC, USC, UT Austin, Virginia Tech, Washington and Wisconsin, and Canada – Montreal and Toronto.
We ask and appreciate your help in forwarding this information to Ph.D. students and faculty in EE, CE, CS and related areas. The attached flyer provides key details about the fellowship.
As in the previous years, one of the members of Qualcomm Research will be reaching out to faculty members who have recommended student proposals in the past years. We plan to host virtual information sessions for the Ph.D. students later this month.
Since 2013, there have been 12 finalists and 6 winners from Washington.
The fellowship is open to Ph.D. students in the Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Computer Engineering and related departments, who apply for the fellowship by submitting their application. The Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship is based on Qualcomm core values of innovation, execution and teamwork. The fellowship is only open to teams of two Ph.D. students. The proposal must be recommended by one or more faculty members.
The application deadline is December 1, 2020 10 am PST.
For detailed information about the program, please visit: http://www.qualcomm.com/innovationfellowship
Any questions can be e-mailed to innovation.fellowship@qti.qualcomm.com
Dev Putchala
QIF 2021 Chair