January 6, 2021

Building Effective Communication Strategies: A Workshop and Networking Mixer for International Graduate Students

Wednesday, January 13, 6 -7:30 PM (PDT)

RSVP via Zoom: https://washington.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYrc-qqrToqHNa-oSWH8SoRMfbVXP7LXTo7

International graduate (master’s and doctoral) students who are new to navigating the U.S. higher education, join this workshop and networking event to: 

  • Learn about cultural differences and communication styles

  • Discuss communication skills in and out of the classroom

  • Practice tips for effective communication and networking skills

  • Develop strategies for real-world communication situations in academic, professional and social settings

  • Connect with fellow international graduate students through games

The event is sponsored by the Center for International Relations and Cultural Leadership Exchange (CIRCLE). For questions, please contact Ziyan Bai at baiziyan@uw.edu.