February 10, 2021
The Science Teaching Experience Program for Upcoming PhDs (STEP-UP) is a training program for graduate students who want to maximize their teaching abilities using best practices for talented, diverse populations of students. Cohorts of 6-9 trainees will take a 2-credit Autumn 2021 course (MCB 508 Teaching College Science) and then teach (or team-teach) a Spring 2022 undergraduate course with support of an experienced mentor. This program is funded by the National Science Foundation and support by Molecular and Cellular Biology Graduate Program. Graduate students from a wide range of STEM fields are encouraged to consider this opportunity.
If you are interested in knowing more, especially if you think our 3rd cohort starting in Autumn 2021 might be a good fit in your own graduate program, please visit our website, or better yet hear about the work we are doing in this short video. Feel free to forward this message to anyone interested, and any questions can be emailed to Ben Wiggins at benlw@uw.edu.