February 23, 2021
The University of Nevada, Reno offers undergraduate students the opportunity to participate in an 8-week fully virtual Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program on Big Data Analytics in Smart Cities, funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). The project management team at UNR would appreciate it if you can spread the word among the eligible undergraduate students at your institutions.
Please find the necessary information about the application process and the research projects below.
REU Site: Cross-disciplinary Research Experience for Undergraduates on Big Data Analytics in Smart Cities (https://www.unr.edu/cse/research/data-software/reu)
Application: https://nevada.formstack.com/forms/eng_reu_big_data_application
(Apply soon as decisions will be made by mid-Mar or end-Mar)
Research Projects: https://www.unr.edu/cse/research/data-software/reu/projects
Support: Total $7.5K participant support provided to each student for 8 weeks
- U.S. citizenship or permanent residency is required.
- Students must be currently enrolled in an undergraduate program in the US.
- Students must not have completed an undergraduate degree prior to the summer program.
For any further information, please contact:
Dr. Lei Yang
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
University of Nevada Reno,
Email: leiy@unr.edu