March 17, 2021

Application Deadline: March 19, 2021

  • For full-time UW graduate students
  • Familiar with R programming language and introductory statistics
  • Compensation includes salary, tuition waiver, and health insurance
  • Spring quarter 2021

Teaching Assistant for Biological Anthropology, Spring

Course examines the many ways that social interactions positively and negatively influence our health, and vice versa. Considers why such influences are important to understand, how one measures them, what recent research has shown, and explores how they relate to other health determinants, both biological and cultural. This course has recently been added to the Data Science minor within the College of Arts and Sciences. A TA for this course will need to be familiar with R and introductory statistics (through regression). TA duties will include grading, drafting of tutorials using R markdown, meeting with students, helping with student questions, and miscellaneous logistics.

As a UW employee, you have a unique opportunity to change lives on our campuses, in our state and around the world. UW employees offer their boundless energy, creative problem solving skills and dedication to build stronger minds and a healthier world.

UW faculty and staff also enjoy outstanding benefits, professional growth opportunities and unique resources in an environment noted for diversity, intellectual excitement, artistic pursuits and natural beauty.

The responsibilities for this position will be completed in a remote environment.

Dates of Employment: 3/16/2021 – 6/15/2021
Hours: 20 hours per week

Candidates should have the following qualifications:
Familiarity with R and introductory statistics (through regression)

• Currently registered UW Graduate Student in good standing and eligible to hold a Graduate Student Assistantship.

• Candidates are hired through graduate appointments; applicants must therefore be enrolled at the UW and be in good standing with ten credits or more of graduate coursework during autumn, winter, and spring quarters.
• Credit Load: Must be enrolled at the UW for at least 10 credits each quarter in a graduate program for Spring 2021.


Salary $4,872 (prorated to $2,436/month for 50% FTE)
Benefits: Graduate Appointee Insurance Plan (GAIP) coverage.

HOW TO APPLY: email the following materials to Catherine Zeigler at
• one-paragraph statement of interest outlining relevant skills and experience,
• academic CV/resume
• unofficial transcript.
Your application will not be considered complete, nor will it be reviewed, without the required responses addressing the questions above.

Application Closing Date: 3/18/2021

Notification Date: Applicants will be notified of their status within one week of closing date.
Applicants considered for this position will be required to disclose if they are the subject of any substantiated findings or current investigations related to sexual misconduct at their current employment and past employment. Disclosure is required under Washington state law.