March 25, 2021

We hope you can join us for our final faculty candidate on Tuesday, March 30 with Dr. Rahul Trivedi from Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics.
Speaker: Dr. Rahul Trivedi – Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics
Title: Simulation and computer-aided design of quantum-optical technologies
Date/Time: Tuesday, March 30 – 10:30 a.m. (PDT)
Zoom Password: 03302021
Title: Simulation and computer-aided design of quantum-optical technologies
Abstract: Quantum technologies are poised to make great impact in computing, communication and metrology. While initial demonstrations of quantum devices for computing and metrology have clearly demonstrated the possible advantage these technologies provide over their classical counterparts, scalable design of quantum technologies remains an open problem. Here, I will show how optimal control techniques can be used for design of quantum-optical technologies, which are key components in quantum metrology, quantum communication and optical quantum computing. I will introduce a class of photon-transport models that can be used to numerically describe quantum optical devices and discuss regimes (low-energy or low entanglement) in which these models can be classically simulated [1-4]. I will then give examples of quantum control design of nonclassical light sources and memories [5-8] using these transport models. Finally, I will discuss the potential of using near-term quantum computers for quantum device simulation [9] and design in regimes that cannot be classically simulated.

[1] R. Trivedi, K. A. Fischer, S. Xu, S. Fan, J. Vuckovic. Physical Review B 98, 14 (2018).
[2] K. A. Fischer, R. Trivedi, D. Lukin. Physical Review A 98, 2 (2018).
[3] R. Trivedi, M. Radulsaki, K. A. Fisher, S. Fan, J. Vuckovic. Physical Review Letters 122, 24 (2019).
[4] R. Trivedi, A. White, S. Fan and J. Vuckovic, Physical Review A 102, 2 (2020).
[5] R. Trivedi*, K. Fischer*. J. Vuckovic, Physical Review A, 100, 4 (2019).
[6] R. Trivedi, D. Malz, S. Fan, J. Vuckovic. arXiv:2009.08602 (2020).
[7] R. Trivedi, K. A. Fischer, S. Fan, J. Vuckovic. arXiv:2009.06860 (2020).
[8] S. D. Misra*, R. Trivedi*, A. Safavi-Naeini, J. Vuckovic. arXiv:2012.0718 (2020).
[9] G. Gonzalez*, R. Trivedi*, J. I. Cirac, arXiv:2103.08329 (2021).

Bio: Rahul Trivedi is a postdoctoral scholar at the theory division of Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, working with Prof. J. Ignacio Cirac. He obtained his PhD in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University in 2020, and Bachelor of technology in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. His current research focuses on understanding the limitations of near-term quantum computers and simulators, as well as using them to aid simulation and design of next-generation quantum devices. He has previously worked on computational electromagnetics, nanophotonics simulation and design and theoretical quantum optics.

Troubleshooting links:

For general faculty search questions, please contact Professor Georg Seelig or Professor Kai-Mei Fu, /

For event/schedule inquiries, please contact Jessi Navarre or Emily Kaselen,

We look forward to having you join us virtually for our candidate’s presentation seminar.