April 12, 2021
Application Deadline: April 23, 2021
- For full-time UW graduate students
- Compensation includes salary, tuition waiver, and health insurance eligibility
- Summer quarter 2021
Biology typically hires several non-Biology TAs every quarter, depending on commitments to Biology graduate students. TAs may be required to lead labs or quiz sections at lower division or upper division levels. Courses are offered in: Introductory Biology; Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology; Cell, Molecular and Developmental Biology; Plant Biology; and Physiology. This application is for Summer Quarter.
Teaching assistants perform a wide range of instructional and instructional support positions within their course. Depending on the course, TAs will be asked to attend and facilitate lectures, teach sections, grade exams and other student work, and perform additional course specific requirements decided by the course instructors. All applicants should check the UW Dates of Instruction for the relevant quarter to ensure that they have no major conflicts.
The courses that require Teaching Assistants vary quarter to quarter. Applicants are asked to do the following:
• Review descriptions of all Biology courses (available at: http://www.washington.edu/students/crscat/biology.html) to indicate which fall within their areas of expertise.
• Review the current version of the Time Schedule at http://www.washington.edu/students/timeschd/SUM2021/biology.html to indicate the courses that work with their schedule. Attendance at lectures and a subset of labs or sections may be mandatory, so applicants should compare with courses or other responsibilities they have that cannot be adjusted before indicating interest in a particular course.
Salary and Benefits:
Teaching Assistants in Biology are paid at the Biology variable TA rate. Teaching Assistant positions include health insurance and waiver of the quarterly operating fee and other fees required per the UW-UAW contract. Teaching Assistants are personally responsible for paying required additional fees such as the S&A Fee, the Facilities Renovation Fee, and the IMA Bond Fee.
• Must be a currently registered UW graduate student in good standing and eligible to hold a graduate student assistantship.
• Must demonstrate strong written, verbal and interpersonal communication skills.
• Must have satisfactory grades or equivalent experience in one or more upper division courses in the appropriate field.
• Must be able to participate for the entire duration of the course, including final exam grading. Must be available to lead labs and/or sections between 8 am and 7 pm.
• Appointments are contingent on ability to schedule satisfactorily for a combination of sessions, sections, teaching team meetings and grading work.
How to apply:
In addition to the UWHires application, you will need to do two other things:
1) Complete the form linked here: https://form.jotform.com/200976962601055.
2) Email your relevant transcripts to benlw@uw.edu
a. With the subject line “LastName FirstName OOD TA Application QuarterYear”
b. With the filenames “LastName FirstName Transcripts CollegeName.pdf
Only candidates who complete all three of the online UWHires application, this Supplemental survey, and emailing of transcripts will be considered.
Inquiries may be made to Ben Wiggins, benlw@uw.edu, Hitchcock 302.
Application Deadline: Friday, April 23, 2021
Notification date: Within 2 weeks of application deadline
Acceptance date: Within 14 days of offer or April 26th, whichever is later