April 13, 2021
UW nomination process is now open for students and alumni interested in the UK & Ireland Scholarships!
Please encourage students and alumni who might be interested in pursuing graduate study in the UK or Ireland to explore the funding opportunities provided by the Rhodes, Marshall, Mitchell, Churchill and/or Gates Cambridge scholarships. Most (but not all) require applicants to be nominated by their university, and the UW application is open for students and alumni to apply for UW nomination.
Some quick facts:
- The current application cycle is for those who hope to start their graduate studies in the UK or Ireland in fall 2022 (current juniors and beyond).
- Most of these scholarships are open to all fields of study (with some limitations) and can potentially fund a variety of graduate degrees (MA, MSc, MRes, MLitt, PhD, DPhil, even some limited opportunities for second bachelor’s degrees). The Churchill Scholarship is specific to STEM fields.
- Rhodes and Gates Cambridge scholarships are open to students globally, regardless of citizenship. Marshall, Mitchell and Churchill scholarships are limited to US citizens. Some are limited by age or number of years since bachelor’s graduation.
- Gates Cambridge does not require UW nomination for any applicants; the other four scholarships do require nomination in most cases (though it does vary in numerous ways).
- All are highly competitive selection processes and looking to support students who are deeply engaged in their areas of study, have demonstrated interests/involvement beyond their academic work, and have a sense of purpose about their work and the kinds of impacts they’d like to have in their communities and/or in the wider world. Although not necessarily the most important factor, nor considered in isolation, some of these scholarships do require a cumulative GPA of 3.7 or higher.
Please feel welcome to share this information with students and/or alumni across all fields:
Interested in pursuing graduate study and/or research at a university in the UK or Ireland?
Consider applying for UW nomination to compete for scholarship support through the Rhodes, Marshall, Mitchell, Churchill and/or Gates Cambridge scholarships. These scholarships fund graduate studies/research at universities in England, Ireland, Wales, and Scotland.
Students and alumni interested in being considered for UW nomination should start exploring their options well in advance of the campus deadline and plan to apply for UW nomination by June 21 (nomination is not required for Gates Cambridge). The current application cycle is for those hoping to start their graduate studies in the UK or Ireland in fall 2022.
- UW application for those interested in being considered for nomination. Deadline: June 21, 2021
- Marshall Scholarship information session: Wed., April 21, 2:00pm. Join us for a deep dive into the Marshall Scholarships. We will be joined by Mr. Robin Twyman, Consul (Business and Government Affairs) in the UK Government Office in Seattle, and several Marshall Scholar alumni. These fantastic guest speakers will share details about the scholarship program, application process, and experiences studying in the UK as Marshall Scholars:
- Dr. David Ginger, Alvin L. and Verla R. Kwiram Endowed Professor of Chemistry, UW
- Stacey Kowal, Principal Researcher, Genentech Health Policy and Systems Research team
- Rebecca Boslough, Executive Director for the Montana Association of Conservation Districts
- Global Fellowships Prep: These scholarships are included in UW’s Global Fellowships Prep advising. Interested students/alumni are encouraged to register for GFP to connect with resources to explore options in the UK, Ireland, and around the world.
- Meet with a scholarship adviser: Students are strongly encouraged to begin this process early, to start brainstorming, exploring graduate program options in the UK and elsewhere, discuss options with mentors, and more. Robin Chang in the Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships & Awards (OMSFA) is the point-of-contact for UW undergrads and bachelor’s alumni with questions about these scholarships, the UW nomination process, or who are looking for additional information.