May 5, 2021
For this introductory session, we’ll be joined by Dr. Vincent Holmberg, UW faculty member in Chemical Engineering and alumnus of the Hertz Fellowship, who will share his insights on that program. Register for this session.
The NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION GRADUATE RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP (NSF GRFP) funds approximately 2,000 awards per year for research-based graduate study in science and engineering.
HOW MUCH: A $34,000 annual stipend and the full cost of tuition and fees for 3 years.
ELIGIBILITY: U.S. citizens, nationals and permanent residents only, rising seniors and bachelor’s alumni planning to pursue research-based Master’s or Ph.D. programs, current graduate students who have not previously applied while enrolled in a graduate program. Get more eligibility details here.
CRITERIA: Potential for significant contribution to the scientific field and positive impact on society
The HERTZ FOUNDATION FELLOWSHIP is awarded to 10-15 students per year who intend to pursue a Ph.D. in the applied physical or biological sciences, mathematics or engineering.
HOW MUCH: A $34,000 stipend and the full cost of tuition and fees for up to 5 years.
ELIGIBILITY: U.S. citizens, nationals, and permanent residents only; rising seniors, bachelor’s alumni, and incoming graduate students (first-year graduate students in October 2021) planning to pursue a research-based Ph.D. Get more eligibility details here.
CRITERIA: Innovative and independent thinking, quantitative skills
- Undergraduate students & alumni: Robin Chang,; and Emily Smith,
- Graduate Students: Robyn Davis,