June 30, 2021
The All of Us Research Program Policy Office strives to establish and promote policies and principles that elevate the All of Us (AoU) core values, while also meeting our ethical, legal, and regulatory obligations. To this end, the Policy Office liaises with individuals and teams across research and government to ensure a consistent legal, regulatory, and ethical approach to program endeavors. The Policy Office plays a number of additional, specific roles, including 1) advising divisions within the program on a variety of topics, including participant engagement, genomics, return of results, biospecimen access, data access, and use, and emerging technologies; 2) playing an active role on AoU governance bodies, and overseeing the creation of their policies and procedures; 3) establishing program policies on privacy and enforcing compliance with these policies; and 4) advancing the ethical, legal, and social implications (ELSI) vision of the program. Interns may work on such projects as:
• Conducting legal, legislative, and policy analyses on topical issues relevant to the Office (e.g., privacy, requirements for consent, engagement of protected classes and vulnerable populations)
• Drafting policy documents, including policy memos and briefs, guidance documents, and policy statements
• Developing content and shared resources for the All of Us program on priority policy and ELSI topics
• Conducting literature reviews on topics of interest, including as part of ongoing internal ELSI research projects
• Assisting in testing and evaluation efforts around policy deliverables, like informed consent and researcher training modules
• Supporting governance bodies and deliberative groups (e.g., the All of Us ELSI Brain Trust, which serves as the advisory body to the Policy Director on matters of ELSI) Information on All of Us
See the attached flyer for more information: All of Us Policy Office Internship Opportunity
To express interest or if you have questions, please contact aoupolicy@mail.nih.gov