July 20, 2021


As we proceed through summer, please be aware that the Fall 2022 application opens October 1, 2021 for the Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Program at the University of Michigan. If you have already not done so, I encourage you to visit our website to complete our PROSPECTIVE STUDENT FORM so we can continue to send you updates as we approach the opening of our application, but you are always welcome to email us if you have further questions at ece-grad-program@umich.edu and visit our website for further information.

Exploring Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate School Virtual Workshop: September 28 – September 30, 2021

Thinking about starting graduate school in Fall 2022 or Fall 2023? Looking for assistance with your ECE graduate school application materials? If so, we can help!

Michigan ECE is excited to be offering a VIRTUAL GRADUATE SCHOOL WORKSHOP Tuesday, September 28 through Thursday, September 30, which is focused on preparing students for graduate school. This is the perfect opportunity for individuals who are considering graduate school in ECE to gain insight from faculty, students, and staff at a top ECE program. At our workshop, students will:

  • Learn how a graduate degree can help them with their future career goals

  • Gain insight into developing and preparing their application materials

  • Network with current Michigan ECE faculty and graduate students

  • Tour (virtually) the Michigan campus, surrounding Ann Arbor area, and EECS Building

  • And more!

Domestic applicants are welcome to apply and be a part of this event! Please visit our website and submit an application! We have also attached a flyer for reference as well.

Schedule Details

To accommodate the virtual format, we are spreading the workshop over multiple short days with various activities of the workshop having two sessions. While there are specific activities of the workshop that will be offered once, we encourage you to visit our website to learn specific details about the  SCHEDULE and to determine your availability.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us ece-grad-program@umich.edu

ECE@UMich Grad Team

Electrical & Computer Engineering  |  University of Michigan

1301 Beal Avenue  |  Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2122
