July 22, 2021

Date: Saturday, July 31, 2021
Time: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM (PT)
Meeting Place/Location: Henry Art Gallery
Audience: All are welcome
Cost: $45 USD per person. This includes transportation to and from Mt. Rainier National Park. 

Register via: https://www.fiuts.org/calendar/2021/6/11/mtrainierhike

Please check your spam folder if you do not receive a confirmation email after registration. 
Questions? Contact Josef Cole, Database and Community Programs Assistant at josef.cole@fiuts.org.
Spend a day exploring the beautiful Mt. Rainier, Seattle’s most famous natural landmark. Take in this famous American park while meeting people from across the globe! We will be going to the Paradise Area Trails so feel free to take a look at what you might expect. We will split it up into different hiking level groups, so beginners, intermediates, and experts are all welcome!

Paradise Area Trails:

What to bring: Eat breakfast before you come and bring the following: a lightweight backpack or bag for supplies, plenty of water, snacks, a packed lunch, sunscreen, sunglasses, and any other items you’ll need throughout the day. Wear tennis shoes or hiking boots, dress in layers, and make sure to check the forecast for weather-appropriate clothing.

FIUTS Covid-19 Advisory & Community Safety Regulations:
In alignment with the University of Washington’s existing face-covering policy and distancing requirements, FIUTS requires all participants to wear a mask for the duration of the event and maintain six feet of distance with others at all times, regardless of their vaccination status. Participants may only remove masks while actively eating or drinking.

All participants are required to complete an Acknowledgement of Risk (AOR) form prior to attending this event. Instructions will be sent with the confirmation email.