August 25, 2021
Sandia National Laboratories is seeking candidates for our two Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowships in National Security Science and Engineering. These fellowships are three-year appointments that allow recipients to pursue independent research that supports Sandia’s national security mission. We ask that you encourage your top Ph.D. students in science or engineering to apply. Please share this information with those students, deans, department chairs, faculty, research center directors, graduate studies offices, fellowship offices, and professional societies. We are proud to have selected Fellows from Caltech, Georgia Tech, Stanford, Princeton, MIT, University of Texas-Austin, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison, among others.
Please see the attached letter and flyers for more details on both of our Distinguished Fellowships and pass on to all of your top Ph.D. candidates.
For questions, please contact the Hruby Fellowship Team at or the Truman Fellowship Team at
Complete application information is available at:
Basil Hassan, PhD
Director and Deputy Chief Research Officer
Sandia National Laboratories
Chief Research Office
- O. Box 5800 ; Mail Stop 0351
Albuquerque, NM 87185-0351 USA