October 11, 2021
STEM Pals (check out our website! http://stempals.club/) is an outreach program aimed at Washingtonian high school students. Our goal is to increase high school student participation in STEM via demos, kits, mentorship, or several other approaches listed on our website. Although we are endorsed by UW MEM-C and some faculty (and so have access to several resources), we are in need of volunteers to help put said resources to good use, whether by brainstorming activities behind the scenes or physically interacting with students.
Feel free to invite graduates/undergraduates/postdocs/faculty in other departments, or to reach out with any questions. We will host an information session either later this month or early in November. So, if you are interested in helping to make a positive impact on youth, please email us at stementorship@gmail.com, or join our Slack group (https://join.slack.com/t/stempals/shared_invite/zt-oz6jbcbb-UuZES2_mbALK_Ixhone1rQ) and mailing list (http://mailman11.u.washington.edu/mailman/listinfo/stempals).
Your time and commitment to activities are encouraged to be whatever you want it to be, even if as an observer initially. The idea is to encourage, inspire, and (ST)empower. 🙂