October 12, 2021
Our team is broken into the following sub-teams:
Business: The Business team is responsible for our team finances, fundraising, managing social media, and securing sponsors.
Controls: The Controls team is responsible for the software that uses our sensors in order to monitor the status of the TBM and ensure that it does what we want it to do and stays on course.
Design: The Design team is responsible for the appearance of our club. This is everything from club logos and merchandise to the team website.
Cutter Head/Material Removal: The Cutter Head/Material Removal team is responsible for the cutter head that breaks down the soil and the process to extract the soil from the tunnel.
Power: The Power team is responsible for providing power to all of the necessary components of other sub-systems in addition to the sensors and their circuitry.
Propulsion: The Propulsion team is responsible for propelling the TBM through the tunnel as well as driving the rotational motion of the cutter head.
Structures: (This sub-team also needs a team lead) The Structures team is responsible for both the outer structure of the TBM which holds everything together and the supporting structure which prevents the tunnel from collapsing.
If you are interested you can apply using the following link: https://forms.gle/tpHUKfEsW6NaA2ZQ8
Feel free to contact us at uwhyperloop@gmail.com with any questions.