October 13, 2021

Graduate Fellowships Promoting Equity & Inclusion

10/13/2021, 5–6 p.m.

Get ready for the opening of application cycles for fellowships that support graduate study (and also some undergraduate study) and promote equity in academia and various professional fields. Register to attend >

The Ford Foundation seeks to increase the diversity of the nation’s university faculties by awarding predoctoral, dissertation, and postdoctoral fellowships. This session will cover strategies for successful applications, and current and former Ford fellows will share their application advice and experiences as Ford fellows.

Dr. Lil Pabon is the Head of Research Operations in Cell Therapy at Sana Biotechnology Inc. She was a 1993 Ford Predoctoral Fellow and is the Ford Fellowship Regional Liaison. She will present information about the Ford and share her advice to applicants.

Panelists include:

Jorge Cisneros Paz, 2017 Ford Predoctoral Fellow, Ph.D. Candidate, Applied Mathematics

Dr. Ralina Joseph, 2009 Ford Postdoctoral Fellow, Professor of Communication, Associate Dean for Equity and Justice in Graduate Programs, The Graduate School

Nicole Kuhn, 2021 Ford Predoctoral Fellow, Ph.D. Student, Information School

Olivia Orosco, 2021 Ford Predoctoral Fellow, Ph.D. Student, Geography

Dr. Joshua Reid,  2005 Ford Predoctoral Fellow. 2008 Ford Dissertation Fellow, 2010 Ford Postdoctoral Fellow, Associate Professor of American Indian Studies, John Calhoun Smith Memorial Endowed Associate Professor of History

The panel discussion will be moderated by Dr. William Mahoney, Associate Professor of Laboratory Medicine & Pathology, Associate Dean of Student and Postdoctoral Affairs, The Graduate School.

Register to attend >