October 14, 2021

Title: Extracting Linguistic Information from Text
When: Oct 15th, 17:00 UTC

Zoom link: https://unimelb.zoom.us/j/82890333176?pwd=bUR0WDF4TGVzcVpvYlBhRlFCdDJIZz09 Password: 690489
Rocketchat (for questions): https://sigtyp.inf.ethz.ch/channel/lecture-anastasopoulos

In this talk I’ll synthesize several works from a series of papers that focus on extracting elements of a descriptive grammar of a language directly from text. I’ll focus on morphosyntactic rules, as well as on identifying interesting semantic subdivisions. I’ll also talk about how these “rules” can be used for the evaluation of natural language generation systems, as well as potentially aid language learners.

Bio: Antonios Anastasopoulos is an Assistant Professor in Computer Science at George Mason University. He received his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Notre Dame, advised by David Chiang and then did a postdoc at Languages Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. His research is on natural language processing with a focus on low-resource settings, endangered languages, and cross-lingual learning, and is currently funded by the National Science Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, Google, Amazon, and the Virginia Research Investment Fund.

You may watch all past talks on our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaSWMbnmduXYlbWGEWLedww/playlists