November 15, 2021
The ocean covers the majority of the planet and drives many of its ecosystems, ecosystems that are increasingly threatened. Sound is used as a primary modality to evaluate ocean status since
it travels quite far underwater. It is also often generated by ocean species (for example, whale calls) and ocean processes. In the ocean, acoustic information arrives at the receiver distorted
by the medium and corrupted by noise. Even when the signal is deterministic, a complete description must minimally be a statistical one. If information regarding the medium or the
form of the signal is available, it should be included in the processing. Signal processing is conventionally divided into three tasks: detection, estimation, and classification. In this class,
we will cover all three stages and provide a statistical framework for describing system performance in terms of the probability of detection versus the probability of false alarm for vessels with listening arrays. Aspects of the ocean, such as the sound speed profile and bottom layer(s) will be discussed and their effect on detection presented. In addition to the basics of ocean acoustics, current and emerging topics will be presented. Current Course Status
Prerequisites: background in the wave equation (solving ODE/PDEs) and statistics, and signal processing. class _flyer
EE 579: Signal Processing for Underwater Acoustics has been moved to a new time and location for the Winter 2022 offering. The new time and location are as follows:
- Time: MWF 11:30 – 12;20
- Room: SIG 232
We hope this new time will allow interested students who might have had conflicts with the original time to now take the course.Please see the attached flyer for more information about this exciting course.
If you have questions about the course content, please email the instructor at the email address listed on the flyer.
If you have questions about the time change, please direct them to