December 15, 2021

Registration is now open for the 31st Annual Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) Conference.

Saturday, February 26, 2022
9:00am – 1:30pm

Please be advised that due to the changing state of COVID, we have decided to convert the WiSE Conference to a fully VIRTUAL format instead of hosting it on campus in person at the HUB.  Last year we hosted the 30th WiSE Conference on-line and with your support, there was as much student participation on-line as when it is in person.  So Thank you for your support.

We will still have all the speakers & workshops we had originally planned.   The onsite Academic and Career Resource Fair we will NOT offer online this year. Departments who were planning on joining in the day, we invite you to join us next year when we are hopefully back on campus at the HUB. 

To reflect the online nature, the student registration fee has also been reduced to $15 as it was for the 2021 on-line conference. There is still plenty of time to register any of your sponsored students.  

For your convenience, department student sponsorship registration can be completed On-Line at:

Workshops and presentations will be offered all morning that speaks to the educational and career opportunities within engineering and the sciences. We encourage our women STEM scholars at all levels to attend. There are great opportunities to network and explore opportunities.

  • Attendees are able to Engage in conversation and Explore the Opportunities and Pathways in STEM
  • Connect and network with our academic and industry sponsors

Registration can be completed at:

Online registration will close Monday, February 21st, 2022.    

WiSE appreciates our campus departments’ continued financial and in-kind support and we are looking forward to your continued participation.   Any inquiries about the conference registration process may be directed to: