December 15, 2021
The field of human/robot interaction (HRI) is rapidly emerging as a significant interdisciplinary research area that focuses on developing robotic technologies and interfaces that enable robots to effectively work with and alongside people. This course will introduce students to robotic design theory, principles, methodologies, andapplications by bringing together knowledge from robotics, artificial intelligence, human factors, human-computer interaction, design, education, and other domains. Coursework will include conceptual discussions focused on the state-of-the-art in robotics research, focused team design, and development exercises working towards a team project comprising both implementation and evaluation of a human/robot interaction system for specific applications.
The following topics will be covered during the 10 weeks of the course:
• Introduction to robotics and their applications
• Sensing and robot state
• Introduction to kinematics/actuators and control
• Mobile kinematics/localization and mapping
• Motion planning and autonomous navigation
• Robotic arms, forward and inverse kinematics
• Motion planning and trajectory generation
• Grasping and manipulation
• Computer vision for robotic perception
Learning Objectives
Students completing the course successfully will be able to:
• Discuss design considerations and frameworks for human-centered robotics architecture
• Program a Fetch robot to perform goal-oriented tasks
• Implement and demonstrate understanding of perception, motion planning, manipulation, and grasping
Pre-reqs: This course assumes students previously took TECHIN516: Robotics Lab 1, Robotic Sensing and Mobility