January 5, 2022

From: Zachary R Lingley <zachary.r.lingley@aero.org>
Sent: Wednesday, January 5, 2022 2:15 PM

 I am a hiring manager in the Microelectronics Technology Department at the Aerospace Corporation in El Segundo, Ca.  I have multiple job openings (links below) for new STEM PhDs in my department, and I hope you can help me find a few good candidates.  

My department serves National Security Space programs through reliability studies, security analysis, and R&D of technologies that are unique to the space industry. We mainly focus on microelectronics and optoelectronics, but we work on a huge range other technology as well.  Specifically, I am seeking candidates with expertise in materials science and electron microscopy, non-destructive evaluation and image analysis, and electronics wear-out and hardware security.  

I hope you can either advertise these requisitions within your organization or pass this email on to a few good PhD students in materials science, electrical engineering, or physics who will graduate soon.  Interested students should apply to the jobs directly or contact me at this email for more information.    Candidates must be US citizens to be considered.  

Aerospace is a great place to work, and I am happy to discuss these opportunities and others with anyone who is interested. 

Thanks in advance,

Zachary Lingley
Manager, Electronic Materials and Devices Section
Electronics and Photonics Laboratory
The Aerospace Corporation
310-336-6312 (office)

Here are links to the job requisitions: