January 5, 2022
NSIN’s first hackathon of 2022, Off the Beaten Path, will launch on January 24th. Register now to help us create better solutions for autonomous navigation. The challenge we’re tackling for this hackathon is to come up with concepts for new sensors, sensing techniques, perception, and intelligence algorithms to generate actionable information for an autonomous vehicle to successfully move through a rugged off-road environment. The three focus areas are 1. Obstacle Detection and Assessment; 2. Passive Odometry; and 3. Trusted Autonomy. The hackathon will run virtually from January 24th to February 10th. More details about the challenge and the focus areas can be found at the link above and in the attached flyer. There is up to $45,000 available in total awards for the teams that create the best solutions. The hackathon will have participants from all over the country and is open to all UW students, faculty, and alumni, as well as entrepreneurs and startups. To learn more and register go to: https://www.nsin.mil/hacks/