February 14, 2022
Once again, the Libraries will be offering a workshop on the publishing and copyright issues that students may face when writing and distributing their theses or dissertations. If you would be willing to forward this notice to your students I would very much appreciate it. If you’re interested yourselves you are also welcome to attend!
“UW Theses and Dissertations” will be held online on Tuesday, February 15, from 11:00a.m-12:00 pm. For many students, the thesis or dissertation represents one of their first forays into publicly disseminating the products of their scholarship. This webinar will give an overview of the copyright and publishing issues students should consider, and demonstrate how their decisions are reflected in the ETDAdministrator system. It will allow students to think through their options for how and when to share their work and ask questions about the process.
Please register here to receive an invitation with the zoom information.