February 24, 2022
The team at Google Brain is looking for outstanding Ph.D. students (expected graduation after 2023) who are interested in student researcher (https://careers.google.com/jobs/results/91522563181552326-student-researcher-phd-2022/) internships this year 2022. The team primarily works on multimodal (image, text, video, audio) representation pretraining, zero-shot/few-shot learning, and multimodal generative modeling. We are a highly interdisciplinary team focused on developing cutting-edge methods for real-world problems at large scales. The goal of the internship is to explore new solutions to topics (often defined by you!) in related areas of multimodal machine learning and publish at top-tier venues. The student researcher role is highly flexible to support long-term collaborations and even part-time positions during your Spring/Summer/Fall semesters. If you’re interested, please send your resume to ziruiw@google.com.