July 20, 2022

Ph.D. and Postdoctoral Positions: AI for Smart Factories of the Future
Starting Fall 2022, several PhD and postdoctoral positions are available in the laboratory of Professor Navid Zobeiry at the University of Washington for developing novel data science
methods to revolutionize aerospace manufacturing sector. These are exciting positions to work closely with industry to develop smart factories of the future.

  • Available positions:
  • Position 1: background in data science with interests to learn about physics-informed machine learning to develop a scientific AI for manufacturing
  • Position 2: background in mechatronics to develop a manufacturing testbed for data science applications
  • Position 3: expertise in numerical simulations to develop digital twins for training machine learning models
  • Position 4: expertise in composites manufacturing to develop in-situ testing methods to harvest data for training machine learning models

2022 Ph.D. and Postdoctoral Positions

Contact Information:
Navid Zobeiry, PhD
Assistant Professor
Materials Science & Engineering Department
319 Roberts Hall, Box 352120
Seattle, WA