July 28, 2022
UW’s (CELE) Center is hiring a dynamic AmeriCorps member for the 2022-2023 academic year for the position of Curriculum & Student Support Coordinator (CSSC)!
Are you passionate about educational equity?
Do you enjoy community building and mentoring?
Are you looking to build your skills in facilitation?
If so, maybe this position would be a good fit for you!
Open position:
- The Curriculum & Student Support Coordinator (CSSC) will contribute to CELE’s EDUC service-learning courses (EDUC 260, EDUC 401A & EDUC 401B) by supporting students, leading course recruitment efforts, mentoring student interns, assisting with the creation and facilitation of lecture content, and coordinating course logistics.
Application due: August 8th, 2022. Open until filled.
Application Link: https://airtable.com/shrZQpVRXf1SAWVbt
Position Description: https://tinyurl.com/AC22-23
Service Term: September 1st, 2022- July 15th, 2023 (or upon completion of 1,700 hours).
Hours across term: 1,700
Monthly Stipend: $2,200 (total of $22,000 across full term)
Education Award: $6,495.00 (upon completion of hours)
*Open to those who graduated with an Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree by the start date (September 1st, 2022)*
Please contact CELE’s Program Manager of Curriculum Development & Student Services, Jermaine Rocacorba, at jroca@uw.edu with any questions regarding this position.