August 10, 2022

Hello ECE Students, 

The online application for Autumn 2022 Graders is now open. Please fill out the application *completely* to be considered. Any student who wishes to be a Grader must apply; if you do not fill out an application, you will not be considered as a Grader for Autumn 2022. Priorities for assignment include: graduate students without other forms of funding; senior undergraduates who have completed the majority of the 200-300 level classes and done very well. It is extremely rare for a newer student who has only taken a few undergraduate courses (for instance, 215, 233 & 242 only) to get a grader position.

Graders are paid an hourly rate of $17.79. Tuition waivers are not included with these offers, and Graders may work up to 10 hours per week. A general ECE Grader job description is attached for your information.

The deadline to submit a Grader application for Autumn 2022 is Wednesday, August 24th at 8:00 AM (PST). Autumn 2022  Grader offers will be sent out by the end of day Wednesday, August 31st. Acceptance deadline is two weeks after receiving the offer letter.

Please contact Mack Carter at if you have any questions about the application process. 

Thank you,

The ECE Advising Staff