October 5, 2022

Are you interested in psychology, mental health, health advocacy, digital arts, marketing, and/or social media? Then we are looking for you!

Pup Support is a registering RSO seeking for members to take part in our close-knit team! We are a social media-based platform (currently on Instagram) with the main purpose to communicate mental health resources and tips through our husky artwork digitally. We hope to emphasize our understanding of how difficult college life can be and that those who feel alone are not alone.

We are recruiting for 12 Leadership Positions this Fall cycle, you can check out the position description HERE [docs.google.com].

Join our Leadership Informational Session on 10/12 (Wednesday) at 6:00 pm over Zoom

https://washington.zoom.us/j/95168532636 [washington.zoom.us]

Meeting ID: 951 6853 2636

In addition, we are opening up for General Community Members, you can choose to be a part of the Pup Support community and attend member exclusive events without major time commitments. If you are interested, we welcome you to our first ever General Member Community Meeting this Wednesday (10/05) at 6:00 pm in SMI 102.

Important Dates:

  • [09/28] Application open
  • [10/05] General Member Community Meeting @6:00 pm in SMI 102
  • [10/12] Leadership Informational Session @6:00 pm over zoom
  • [10/15] Application closes @11:59 pm

Email: spup.uw@gmail.com if you have any questions.