October 11, 2022

You are invited to participate in a survey to explore students’ experiences in their graduate engineering programs. The survey will ask questions related to your future career interests. Participation requires a 10-to-15-minute survey. Due to the time commitment, participants who complete the survey will be registered for a chance to win a $10 Amazon gift card. 10% of those who complete the survey will receive a gift card.
Participation is voluntary and confidential; your university will not know you have participated. 

  • Complete a 10-to-15-minute online survey

To participate, please click this link [unr.az1.qualtrics.com] or copy/paste the URL provided: (https://unr.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6oskwDDOQ2dQnMG?RID=CGC_MZ6dV83YEb2SWzu&Q_CHL=email [unr.az1.qualtrics.com]). You will be directed to the survey.
This research has received University of Nevada, Reno Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval (IRB#1862152). If you have any questions, please contact the research team: Derrick Satterfield (dsatterfield@unr.edu), and Adam Kirn (akirn@unr.edu)

Best Wishes,

Derrick Satterfield
Doctoral Candidate
University of Nevada, Reno