October 19, 2022

Submit your proposal by Nov. 4: https://bit.ly/ssfa22 [bit.ly]
Online event on Nov. 17, noon–1 p.m. (PST)
Send questions to Madeline Mundt: mundtm@uw.edu
Open to all graduate students across UW tri-campus

Are you a grad student who wants to perfect your presentation skills for a general audience? Then submit a proposal to give a 5-minute, low stakes and fun lightning talk about your capstone, research or pedagogy! Scholars’ Studio is an opportunity for you to communicate your work and get feedback from a supportive, smart and interdisciplinary audience.

Scholars’ Studio is a fun, low stakes way to give a 5-minute lightning talk! Participate in this event for the following:

  • To learn skills that are crucial for virtual presentations at conferences and the job market
  • To focus on the message of your project and hone your elevator pitch
  • To practice communicating your work to a wider audience
  • To enliven your presentation with storytelling

This event is a collaboration between UW Libraries Research Commons and Graduate Student Affairs in The Graduate School.

Access the call for proposals flyer and social media images:

​Folder icon Scholars Studio FA 22 – CFP Marketing [uwnetid-my.sharepoint.com]

Google Drive:
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13knT4wz3sTQyvZK7iDO_sJUskLb1HW1W?usp=sharing [drive.google.com]