January 9, 2023

The new Engineering Student Council has launched, and the group consists of representatives and alternates from the various student teams and clubs.  This year the primary focus will be to establish the norms and structure of the new council (partly taking a page from https://www.naesc.org/), as well as creating the framework for the new Engineering Student Organization structure to facilitate RSO’s affiliated with the College.

The current Engineering Student Council membership roster can be found here, you will notice that we have only two graduate students at present, so I’m looking to add a few at-large grad student members. The Council meets the first Friday of the month from 3:30-5 pm. Additionally, up to 1 grad student can serve as a non-voting member of the Council for Educational Policy for the College (this is the faculty body that sets academic policy for COE and performs both course and program oversight for the College).