March 13, 2023

The Arthur Y.C. Chiao Global Exchange Term Ph.D. Fellowship supports mobility between the University of Washington College of Engineering and the National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU).  

Funding (cost of living stipend and travel) is available for Ph.D. students interested in research in Taiwan with NYCU faculty in the upcoming academic year. The time frame of the exchange is flexible, with a suggested length of 3-12 months. 

The focus areas of the research exchange are AI, semiconductors, and Smart Cities. Interested Ph.D. students should first identify a potential faculty supervisor at NYCU (see links below) and then, once collaboration is established, reach out to about the next steps by 4/30. Students may be asked to provide additional materials before their travel is approved. If more students are interested than funding allows, applications will be reviewed.