April 18, 2023

BIOL 118 Survey of Physiology 5cr (NSci) No Pre-ReqsSummer 2023: ONLINE


Are you looking to take an interactive and informative Physiology course online this summer? Of course you are!

Biol 118, Survey of Physiology is a non-majors course with engaging lectures, interactive assignments, and helpful study resources. Whether you’re a biology major or just curious about the human body, this class is perfect for you. And the best part? You can take it from the comfort of your own home anywhere on the globe with a stable internet connection. With flexible synchronous and asynchronous options, you can attend live Zoom lectures or catch up later if you missed that day’s lecture. Plus, you’ll have access to the free, fully accessible physiology textbook.  So why wait? Sign up now for Biol 118 and get ready to explore the wonders of the human body! Learn more: https://canvas.uw.edu/courses/1642984/assignments/syllabus


Note: BIOL 118 can count toward the Approved Additional NSc Courses for the BSECE degree and a general elective for the BSEE degree.