May 3, 2023
I hope this email finds you well. I am passing this information, together with a blurb and attachment, for the hiring for a conference on quantum computing, science, information and technology, which is happening this Fall 2023.
I would greatly appreciate it if you could share this with your undergraduate mailing list or promote it with your connections with undergraduate and graduate students. I believe that some of your students may be interested in gaining conference organization experience, or learn more about quantum computing in general.
The link for the hiring can be found here:
What is quantum computing?
Is it the successor to the classical computer science as we know today, or something parallel, something that can complement it? Quantum advantage, the goal of solving computations significantly faster than the classical supercomputers, has been claimed multiple times, by Google and NASA, and by Xanadu, a Canadian company.
Design and manufacture of electronic components take a significant time. They need to consider costs, performance, and bugs. Optimizing the processes for these research can challenge classical computers as there are too many possible solutions. By combining the strengths of a classical computer, arithmetic, and a quantum computer, finding solutions to optimization problems quickly, designing new chips can take significantly less time.
The Q-SITE Vancouver Conference is happening this Fall 2023 (online and in-person) at the University of British Columbia. Join us to learn more from the academia and industry on the importance of quantum science, information technology, and engineering. What it really is. How it can affect us in the future. How it is, and will be used, in many different disciplines across the spectrum.
Join us as we make this conference a quantum leap in the undergraduate space, and apply by May 13 and let us work together to bring the future of technology to life!