May 9, 2023
ECE is seeking student representatives for the next academic year (AY23-24)! To apply, click here. The deadline is Monday, May 22nd by 9:00 am (PST)
ECE Curriculum Committee is a group of faculty, staff and students where ECE curriculum issues are discussed and changes happen by vote.
The student representatives play a vital part in shaping the programs and curriculum offered by ECE by giving you a voice in curriculum decisions that affect students and to serve as a resource to your fellow students who may bring up concerns or thoughts about ECE curriculum.
Responsibilities include attending a weekly meeting, bringing concerns, questions, or comments from other students, providing input during the meeting, and following up when needed. The estimated time commitment is roughly 2-3 hours a week.
Suggested/Preferred Skills include:
* being well organized
* good time management
* experience with Microsoft and Google suite
* being willing to share thoughts, ideas, questions, and concerns with faculty and staff, even if it may be outside your comfort zone. That is how we grow!
If selected, this volunteer position is for the full academic year (Aut23, Win24, Spr24).
Questions can be sent to Stephanie Swanson at