June 2, 2023
Application Deadline: 6/12/2023 4:00:00 PM Eastern Time Zone
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Grid Deployment Office (GDO) and Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) are seeking candidates for the Clean Energy Innovator Fellowship program who have an interest in the clean energy transition. Innovator Fellows will have a hands-on learning experience participating on projects that the Host Institutions identify as critical to enhancing grid resilience and/or advancing decarbonization while ensuring energy affordability and grid reliability. Innovator Fellows can spend up to two years participating in the program.
In the application, you will select up to 5 of your most preferred Host Institution projects from the website https://orise.orau.gov/CEIF/hosts/default.html. If required by the Host Institution, you must be willing to relocate to the Host Institution’s area.
Fellowship Details
The tentative expected start date will be on or after September 5, 2023. Fellows will receive a stipend, health insurance, and a generous allowance for professional development. The fellowship appointment is for one-year, renewable for a second year, with opportunities for peer-to-peer learning provided for each cohort. Stipends are determined by their degree level and years of relevant professional experience. Reimbursement of relocation expenses may also be provided, if applicable. Additional information can be found at https://orise.orau.gov/CEIF/.
The fellowship is open to recent Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral graduates. Fellowship candidates must have an interest in areas such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, and/or sustainable transportation technology and policy; electric grid resilience and modernization; Puerto Rico grid recovery and modernization; and Tribal energy resilience. If more than five years since receipt of degree, the applicant must have an academic background and experience in a relevant field and must be seeking to gain new knowledge/experience in order to expand career opportunities or to advance professionally.
The application and additional information can be found at: https://zintellect.com/Opportunity/Details/DOE-EERE-CLEAN-2023-CANDIDATE.