September 6, 2023

We are seeking a Postdoctoral Appointee to pursue research in semiconductor quantum systems with applications in quantum information science. The research will involve the characterization and operation of spin qubits in silicon and related materials.
In this position you will:

  • Utilize knowledge of quantum information processing, qubit control, semiconductor device physics, microwave electronics, and cryogenics measurement techniques to solve complex problems
  • Characterize and operate semiconductor-based quantum devices and qubits at dilution refrigerator temperatures.
  • Design and execute experiments to understanding specific physical phenomena relevant to semiconductor spin qubits.
  • Learn and develop new experimental techniques
  • Collaborate with a diverse team, including experimentalists and theorists, with experience in quantum information science.
  • Develop and apply your independent vision, creativity, and ability to pursue and achieve R&D milestones.
  • Communicate results (through publications and presentations) to sponsors, collaborators, and the broader research community.

About Our Team
The Advanced Silicon Quantum Devices Department of the Advanced Microsystems Group conducts groundbreaking research on semiconductor-based devices for quantum information sciences applications. Our fundamental expertise lies in the operation and development of semiconductor-based quantum dot and donor-based spin qubits. We use our positive relationships within the Microsystems Engineering Sciences and Applications (MESA) foundry facility, the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT), and other internal and external organizations to develop advanced solid-state quantum device technologies.

Qualifications and more information can be found in the attached flyer.

Sandia_Postdoctoral Appointee _Posting-690972 – Experimental Quantum Informatin Science