October 9, 2023
Interested in Enhancing Your #2023NDiSTEM Experience? Sign up for a Pre-Conference Activity!
Kick off your conference experience with bonus programming on Wednesday, October 25. All attendees are invited and encouraged to take advantage of various workshops to equip, empower, and energize you before the conference even begins! All workshops require advance sign-up.
Questions? Email us at info@sacnas.org!
Career Launch and Acceleration for Grad Students
The first years as a researcher in science can be exhilarating, exhausting, stressful, and rewarding. This workshop provides the techniques necessary for an effective career launch in STEM fields.
GEM GRAD Lab sponsored by Oregon State University
The GRAD Lab is a fun and engaging symposium where participants, science, and engineering undergraduates, will receive full information on the importance of graduate school and what is needed to successfully gain admittance with financial support.
Modern Math Workshop
NDiSTEM participants with an interest in mathematics, statistics, data science, or computer science may also want to attend the “Modern Mathematics Workshop,” which takes place Oct. 25 – 26 in Portland as a pre-event to #2023NDiSTEM.
The Art of Negotiation
Negotiations occur every day in the scientific laboratory and workplace and often involve issues that are key to research success and career advancement. This workshop module teaches the fundamentals of negotiation relevant to a variety of one-on-one conversations and group settings.
Curious About Our Field Trips?
Oregon has much to offer to the scientific community and these field trips invite you to take your conference experience out of the convention center, into the local community of Portland, and beyond! Learn more about these events and register to attend before space runs out!