October 30, 2023
Tuesday, November 7, 20232, 12 pm – 1:15 pm (Doors open at 11:50 am)
Room Green A, Research Commons, UW Libraries
Google map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/dUfmVrVAbis6SoaK7
RSVP required for this free event as space is limited: https://bit.ly/fw23fggs
Questions? uwgsa@uw.edu
Campus calendar entry:
The UW honors National First-Gen College Celebration every early November. In recognition of this tri-campus occasion, first-gen graduate students are invited to this fall welcome event!
Featuring Faculty Guest Speaker:
- Dr. Carmen Gonzalez, Dart Endowed Assistant Professor in Trauma, Journalism, and Communication and Associate Director for the Center for Communication, Difference, & Equity, UW Seattle campus
- Hear insights and perspectives from a UW first-gen faculty guest speaker
- Learn about strategies that will support your success in grad school
- Build community with first-gen peers from across the disciplines
- Enjoy lunch and refreshments!
Event Partners: Graduate Student Affairs in The Graduate School, UW Libraries Research Commons, Center for International Relations & Cultural Leadership Exchange (CIRCLE).