December 12, 2023
Looking to share your love of science with others and give back to our community?
The UW Science Explorers needs you!
Who are we?
- A graduate student co-founded and led group that does science outreach at Sanislo Elementary in southwest Seattle. Sanislo is the most diverse school in the state!
- Each quarter, we lead 6-8 1-hour lessons in small groups (2-4 4th/5th graders). Examples of our past lessons can be found on our website.
- Winter 2024 lessons will be Tuesdays from 3-4 PM, and the lesson theme is Materials!
- Grad students, undergraduate students, postdocs, and faculty are welcome to volunteer.
- You do not need a car!
How do I learn more?
- Virtual information session at 3-4 pm on Friday, December 15th.
- In-person pizza lunch information session at 12:00 on Monday, January 8th in Physics/Astronomy B wing room B421 on the 4th floor.
- Can’t come to the meeting but interested in participating this quarter or in the future?
E-mail us ( to join our list and Slack channel!