January 26, 2024
Occasionally, I go down a rabbit hole looking for information on jobs, internships, and hiring for students. Here is a collection of links to corporate videos and websites I’ve gathered to give an idea of high-tech opportunities and life at a variety of companies. There is no specific topic, just interesting findings to inform, inspire, and hopefully motivate your career plan and web searches. ENJOY!
NVIDIA: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/about-nvidia/careers/university-recruiting/
Highlight: NVIDIA’s Culture
Microsoft: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfKkNPP95NbtzNX9TajuZFtRZRDIx4B59
Highlight: Microsoft Engineers: A Day In The Life
Meta: https://www.metacareers.com/life/collections/meta-events/
Highlight: Learning with you: Resume Workshop and Application Process
Intel Internships and Grads: https://jobs.intel.com/en/internships
Highlight: Resources
Google Students: https://www.youtube.com/@GoogleStudents
Highlight: How We Hire at Google
Boeing: https://jobs.boeing.com/internships
Highlight: Profiles on Electrical Engineering Internships
Apple: https://www.apple.com/careers/us/students.html
Highlight: Stories of People at Apple
Amazon: https://www.youtube.com/@insideamazonvideos/playlists
Highlight: Principle Engineers