February 1, 2024
Are you looking for a more flexible source of funding than TA (that has the same benefits)? Interested in contributing to departmental recruitment and admissions? Want to promote diversity and inclusion in UW’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering? If yes, read on.
UW ECE is currently seeking a graduate programs staff assistant (GPSA) (50% FTE) for the Autumn quarter 2024 and will continue through the 2024-2025 academic year. The GPSA will work with the Graduate Programs Advisor and Program Coordinator to recruit prospective graduate students and participate in graduate admissions. Recruitment activities include attending conferences like the Society of Women Engineers, National Society of Black Engineers, and the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers and outreach at local events. As part of graduate admissions, the GPSA will lead a team for reviewing graduate applications. This GPSA position is an excellent opportunity to learn about a variety of topics ranging from the inner workings of the department to unconscious bias training. If you are interested in this position, please log into HANDSHAKE, Req. #8647818 to submit your CV/ resume and a statement (no more than one page – double-spaced) which answers the following questions:
- Are you an MS or PhD student?
- Where are you in your graduate program (Pre-Quals, Pre-Gens, Post-Gens *or* MS – 1st year, MS – 2nd year)?
- Why are you interested in this position, and how would your skills and experience make you a good match for this position?
- Are you available to serve in this position starting Autumn quarter 2024 (September 25th), and continuing through the 2024-25 academic year (autumn, winter & spring)?
- Who is your faculty advisor, if applicable?
- Would you be available to interview the week of February 26-March 01, 2024?
Please contact me or our current Graduate Programs Staff Assistant, Nivediha Kalavakonda at nkalavak@uw.edu, if you have any questions about this role.
Thank you for your interest in this position!