February 26, 2024

EE 451/551: Wind Energy

W,F 12.30 – 2.20 pm


This course explores wind energy resources, wind turbine generators and converters, considerations of wind energy siting and planning, challenges and potential solutions to wind energy integration into the power grid, wind energy economics and the socio-environmental implications of wind energy development


Students will achieve the learning outcomes of the course through a series of lectures, problem solving, a quarter-long practical group project, and a field trip to the Wild Horse Renewable Energy Center in Ellensburg Washington.

Learning Objectives of this Course:

  • Students will be able to model wind power density and power production for an area based on different terrain properties
  • Calculate the thrust and power of a wind turbine. Apply basic engineering models for wind speed and determine the annual energy production for a wind turbine
  • Discuss the issues that need to be considered for the completion of a successful project with a particular focus on the integration of land-based wind turbines into large grid systems
  • Assess the economics of wind farm projects and calculate the cost of energy from wind
  • Explain the social, cultural, and environmental implications of wind energy development
  • Discuss the applications of wind energy in unconventional networks/systems e.g. storage, off-shore, and off-grid systems