March 5, 2024

AA 598 – Kinetic Simulations

3 credits

SLN: 10055

Spring 2024

Time: 11:30-12:50 on Tuesdays and Thursdays

Location: MUE 154

Instructor: Dr. Bhuvana Srinivasan


Course Overview

The purpose of this course is to provide the student with techniques for simulating plasmas on a range of spatial and temporal scales with applications including electrodynamics, waves, turbulence, space propulsion, spacecraft environmental effects, and the laboratory.


Learning objectives

By the end of this course, students will:

  1. Identify regimes for which kinetic simulation techniques are necessary
  2. Understand the discretization and algorithmic details for particle-in-cell models for
  3. electrostatic and electromagnetic regimes
  4. Develop and write their own particle-in-cell codes to address plasma instabilities and
  5. nonlinear plasma dynamics in kinetic regimes
  6. Relate results from kinetic simulations to kinetic theory
  7. Understand hybrid models